Furry Friends

Here on our small farm in New Zealand, my many wonderful animal friends inspire me every day with their antics and play.


Here’s the latest addition to our family – a cheeky black shepherd pup we’ve named Thor (Loki’s brother, of course!).


This is Loki as a wee pup. He’s a white German shepherd and a real sweetie.


Meet Lili; she’s a pedigree Burmilla but nobody’s told her she’s meant to be a lap cat. She’s our top rat catcher on the farm.

Al Capone

My boy Al Capone (great name – he came with it: the dark gangster?) sporting his western saddle.


Our foster daughters playing on ponies at Mount Maunganui beach some years ago. The pony on the left is Flame. She’s actually a Kaimanawa pony who was captured from the wild. She’s a real darling, and not wild at all now. She loves kids and getting a big fuss.

Wild Horses

Here’s a band of Kaimanawa wild horses roaming free. They were happy to watch me drive up in my 4WD, but as soon as I hopped out they galloped off.


This is me on my old horse, Barney. We loved trekking along the beach together. I wrote many stories in my head on his back! He was very patient.

Yogi and Layla

This was Yogi as a puppy with my old German shepherd, Layla, the inspiration for my book called Saving Sam.


Yogi in our garden. He was a long-haired German shepherd just like Layla and a real character: very bright and very silly all at the same time. You could say he was the class clown! The Wolf in the Wardrobe was inspired by him.

Pet Goats

Our herd of pet angora goats, all named after desserts, lollies, and other treats. For example, there's Cheesecake, Pavlova, Waffle and Biscuit.

Ella and Yogi

Yogi with our niece Ella enjoying a moment together in our garden.

Hokey & Jellybean

One of our goats, Hokey, with her baby Jellybean.

Lionel & Robbie

My hubby Lionel on his old horse, Robbie.

Barney & Susan

Cuddles with Barney.

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